Precise measurement of gas parameters in a realistic RPC configuration: The currently used R134a gas and a potential alternative eco-gas
X. Fan, L.Naumann, M.Siebold, M.Loeser. D.Stach. L.Kalipoliti, and B.Kämpfer
NIM A 1024 (2022) 166124 doi:10.1016/j.nima.2021.166124

Optical inspection of the silicon micro-strip sensors for the CBM experiment employing artificial intelligence
E. Lavrik, M. Shiroya, H. R. Schmidt, A. Toia, and J. M. Heuser
NIM A 1021 (2022) 165932 doi:10.1016/j.nima.2021.165932

Machine Learning Application for Lambda Hyperon Reconstruction in CBM at FAIR
S. Khan et al. 
e-Print: 2109.02435 (physics.ins-det)

Prototype Design of a Timing and Fast Control system in the CBM Experiment
V. Sidorenko et al. 
e-Print: 2110.12738 (physics.ins-det)

SMX and front-end board tester for CBM readout chain
W. Zabolotny et al. 
e-Print: 2110.19619 (physics.ins-det)